Sunday, February 3, 2008

Personal Growth

Coming into this class I knew I would struggle. I was never strong when it came to Algebra. I totally forgot everything I learned before and it was basically like starting from scratch. I just arranged with a Villanova College student to tutor me. I'm hoping that will result in me doing better in this class. Not only that but I need to refrain from losing focus during class. That's causing me to miss out on some things. The tests and quizzes are really important to do well on. That's what I'm aiming for. Tomorrow is my first day getting tutored. Hopefully Tuesday's quiz will be the start of me doing better. I also plan to try to stop procrastinating. It's best to study a few days in advance for a test so you'll know what you need more practice on. I've been waiting until the night before and than doing badly on the tests. Once I do all these things I should be doing better in this class.

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