Monday, September 17, 2007

Post 2

So far, it's been pretty hard for me to adjust to the new schedule. But it's getting a little bit easier everyday. This class in particular is a bit of a challenge because I have trouble remembering the algebra I learned in ninth grade. Completing the homework is only a hassle some nights depending on what classes I had that day. Other days it's no problem at all. Some of the strategies I use for help are asking friends, the text book, my parents and the internet. My goal for this year in math is to just grasp the concepts and be able to remember them for long term. Not just to pass tests as they're announced. For the next 2 weeks I want to focus on practicing more as opposed to just doing work when it's assigned. This will enhance my skills and allow me to do better as a student in the class.

1 comment:

tayyhayy said...

i understand exactly what ur saying about this class it is a challenge.